The MVP you get with ITRex MVP development services

A lot of new products fail, including good ones. But we know how to make your story a success. Relying on years of experience, we build MVPs that are:
Truly minimum and viable
We don’t overcode. After careful analysis, we select only core features—the minimum set of features your MVP needs to bring unique value to users. With our MVP development services, you get it live fast.
Money saving
Our team goes as lean as possible to bring you validated insights about what users want to see in your product. You find the right product-market fit and don’t waste resources on wrong assumptions.
We design MVPs with scalability in mind to ensure your software keeps running smoothly as the user base increases, and you don’t need to rewrite the entire codebase to incorporate new functionality.
Our MVP development company has unparalleled expertise in emerging tech, such as AI, Generative AI, big data, IoT, and AR/VR. So if you aim to disrupt the market with a mind-blowing innovation, look no further. We are your dream team.

The value our MVP development services bring

Helping companies since 2009, we know the ins and outs of multiple industries. Furthermore, our extensive technical expertise enables us to put together the exact team your project requires. Our MVP development services provide everything under one roof, empowering you to:

Test if your product actually addresses pain points your customers have
Make sure there is a market demand
Learn from users what they like and what they don’t—and improve from there
Release your application faster than potential rivals and at a lower cost
Start growing your user base and successfully pitch the product to investors
Reduce the cost of failure if the idea does not work

A full range of MVP development services

Our MVP development company has built dozens of great MVPs for startups and enterprises, helping them identify and meet consumers’ demands. We think outside the box. We spend as little of your valuable resources as possible. We create products that customers are willing to use and pay for. Tap into our MVP development services for an epic launch.

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MVP Consulting
Bring us your vision, and we will help test all assumptions about your product, the problem it aims to solve, the target audience, and the market. We will also prioritize features, select the best tech stack, roadmap product evolution, and estimate time and effort.
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End-to-end MVP development services
From ideation to MVP release, our team will take care of the entire development process for you. At every step, we will keep speed and quality in mind. We know how critical it is to launch your app ASAP and delight users with its functionality.
MVP Improvement
Based on post-launch user feedback, we will help figure out what your customers value most and what needs to be improved at the next iteration. By better adjusting to the target market, we make sure you roll out a winning product that provides value to users.
MVP Prototyping
Test user flows and validate your product concept as early as possible with our high-fidelity prototypes. The interactive prototypes we build are also a surefire way to gauge interest from potential funders and attract investments.

How we do it— Our stage-by-stage process

Creating an MVP is an art because it requires skills and ingenuity to produce a compelling result. However, it also requires a structured approach. You can count on us for both. Our MVP development services rest on a battle-proven methodology to ensure your MVP is doomed to success, no matter how big or small your ambitions or budget are.

Through workshops with your stakeholders, we dive deep into your vision and gather insights. We brainstorm, study the market, and analyze risks to help you refine your value proposition, prioritize features based on customer needs, and provide ballpark estimates.
At this stage, we focus on MVP architecture design, elicit performance and security requirements, and plan for third-party integrations and regulatory compliance (HIPAA, PCI DSS, FDA, etc.), if applicable. We also select tech stack and identify potential roadblocks and bottlenecks.
As part of our MVP development services, we will create an interactive, clickable prototype based on use cases to show how users will interact with your interfaces. The goal is to test every user flow and collect early feedback to refine the product until you have a version that provides an optimal user experience.
This is where we bring your vision to life. Using the latest tools and best practices, we create high-quality code quickly to incorporate the core features your MVP requires. We plan for scalability from the get-go so that your app is ready to handle whatever challenges may come its way as it evolves.
QA is an essential component of our MVP development services. Every piece of your app will be tested according to a test plan. This is to ensure that it meets our, your, and your customers’ expectations. Shipping a buggy MVP can result in a loss of potential customers. We can’t let this happen.
You get your MVP into the hands of your customers, and we collect critical user feedback. The insights inform the next iterations to hone your MVP to perfection in an agile way and, ultimately, turn it into a fully fledged product.

Expert MVP development services tailored to your industry

Technologies we use to deliver MVP development services

Front End
React/Redux, Angular, JavaScript, HTML5, Laravel, Django, Vue.js
.NET, Java, Node.js, Python, PHP, Golang, C++
Android (Java / Kotlin), React Native, Flutter
Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure
DWH, ETL, data integration, data migration, data science, BI, advanced analytics, reporting
RPA, Workfusion, OCR, UiPath

How you can partner with us

At ITRex, you can choose the engagement model that matches exactly your context and needs. Our MVP development services are flexible.

In-house team augmentation
We can step in at any stage to bring the skills you need today, including a CTO-as-a-Service. You oversee the development process directly, while we integrate into your team and provide scale-ups when needed.
End-to-end MVP development
From ideation to delivery, we can handle your MVP development process end to end. We will set up a dedicated team that will be fully committed to your project, collaborate proactively, walk you through every challenge, and release daily updates.

ITRex in numbers

years of hands-on experience
clients around the globe
products delivered
years of ongoing collaboration with clients on average
top-tier software development experts
annual employee retention rate


What is the difference between an MVP and a prototype?
One of the most popular misconceptions about MVP is that it is just the same as a prototype or a proof of concept, which is flat-out wrong. MVP development services refer to building and launching a functional product with a set of the most critical features sufficient to deliver value to users, attract early adopters, and garner valuable user feedback for further development. A prototype, in contrast, has limited functionality and is built to test specific functions, validate design concepts, demonstrate user flow, and gather early feedback before investing resources in product development. For more information on the subject, check out our MVP software development guide.
How long does it take to develop an MVP app?
Depending on the scope of the MVP, it may generally take anywhere from a few weeks to several months to complete. The time-to-market depends on the complexity of a product idea, the number of features included, and the size of the expert team involved in the project. Our MVP development company will tell you the exact time after assessing your product requirements.
How much do MVP development services cost?
It depends. The exact cost can vary widely depending on various factors, including the scope of features, product complexity, team size and expertise, tech stack required, and type of UX/UI, to name a few. Given these variables, providing an exact cost is difficult without first assessing all project requirements—but we attempted to do so in our MVP cost article. Contact our MVP development company for more accurate estimates.
Are MVP development services only for startups?
MVPs are most commonly associated with startups. However, while primarily created for startup companies, MVPs are now frequently utilized by enterprises looking to build innovative solutions. Though there is no need for established companies to create MVPs to attract investors, enterprises can benefit from them just as much. For example, MVP is a good way for enterprises to test out new products before making significant investments, validate an idea for an internal solution, explore new markets, and assess competition
What are some good examples of MVP products?
The world’s most prominent companies started small with MVPs before scaling to full-fledged products based on user feedback. For instance, Amazon introduced its Kindle as an MVP back in 2007. Facebook was initially created as an MVP to connect Harvard students only. In its MVP form, Instagram only allowed users to upload a picture, add filters, and share them with their social media networks. The list goes on. Contact our MVP development company to create an MVP and grow it into a full-scale solution.