Become a roaring success with our media and entertainment solutions company

Marrying a decade of experience crafting custom software solutions and innovative thinking, we help you connect with your audiences, build interactive experiences, and boost content production — no matter the segment you’re in. We’ve helped a few media and entertainment tycoons to win audiences’ hearts and want to help you do just that.
Create personalized experiences at scale, deep dive into your audience’s preferences, and gain more value from your content portfolio
Enhance reading experience with tech-powered interactive elements, optimize content creation, proofreading, and translation, and reach more minds with new distribution channels
New media
Get the audience to notice and engage with your content, optimize monetization strategies, and stay ahead of the increasing competition
Sports & entertainment
Deliver content to fans around the world and uncover new opportunities for engagement, insight, and revenue generation
Drive game design, engage players, and improve player retention and monetization

Media and entertainment solutions for every need

As audiences have more choice than ever, media and entertainment companies need an edge. We craft powerful media and entertainment solutions that win you a competitive advantage.

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Streamline content production
  • Workflow automation software
  • Production scheduling and management software
Optimize content distribution
  • Video hosting software
  • Over-the-top streaming software
  • Social media apps
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Improve collaboration
  • Digital asset management software
  • Content management software
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Tap into audience and content intelligence
  • CRM software
  • BI and data visualization software
  • AI-powered analytics software

Modern technology at your fingertips

Crafting our media and entertainment software solutions, we implement innovative technology to deliver exceptional results through data-driven decision making, intelligent automation, and engaging user experience.

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AI & ML:
Harnessing the power of neural networks and machine learning algorithms, we let you tap into valuable insights and deliver tailored experiences that resonate with your audience — be it through personalized content
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We implement solutions that automate data entry, content ingestion, metadata management, and other manual tasks. By eliminating human error and improving accuracy, our automation solutions ensure smoother operations, faster turnarounds, and enhanced productivity, allowing your team to focus on creative initiatives
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AR & VR:
We leverage the power of immersive technologies to let you captivate your viewers and offer unique experiences. Whether it’s enhancing live events, enabling interactive storytelling, or creating virtual environments, we bring your content to life in a way that engages your audience

End-to-end media and entertainment development services

Partnering with ITRex, you collaborate with a team of experienced media & entertainment software developers who can guide your project from ideation to realization. We put field-tested workflows and transparent reporting in place to take the burden of managing the development process off your shoulders. As soon as we get your request, our collaboration unfolds in the following way:

Diving deep into your business challenges, we define business requirements for your future entertainment and media software solution and draft a high-level project management plan.
We design the architecture of your solution for the media or entertainment industry, followed by crafting an intuitive and engaging look and feel.
Development and testing
Relying on Agile and DevOps best practices, we engineer your media software solution and run thorough testing.
Maintenance and support
We keep an eye on the solution's performance and implement changes to respond to the evolving needs of your users.

What makes ITRex stand out

years of experience delivering cutting-edge software solutions
top-tier experts
clients around the globe
products delivered
million users enjoying our software worldwide
software reliability rate
Itrex’s team are experts in their trade. The software development they provided was critical to advancing the project to the next level.
Jeff Block
Jeff Block
VP of Process and Technology
PotentiaMetrics, Inc.
When you hire them, you're actually going to get something valuable.
Daniel Schuler
Daniel Schuler
Itrex is an outstanding partner. They don't even feel like a contractor, but more like a fully integrated team.
Ashley Lewis
Ashley Lewis
Director of Product Management
Dollar Shave Club