artificial intelligence development artificial intelligence development

Artificial intelligence development services

As part of our AI development services, ITRex can fill knowledge gaps in your in-house IT team, customize commercially available AI products and foundation models, or create bespoke AI solutions
artificial intelligence development

ITRex, an AI development company with extensive know-how

ITRex is an artificial intelligence development company with over a decade of experience. We will help you harness the latest artificial intelligence tools and technologies for exponential growth.
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We use our expertise in supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement machine learning to create intelligent systems that make apt decisions with little to no human intervention.
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We leverage the power of multi-layered neural networks to design AI business solutions that mimic—and even outperform—human intelligence.
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We create real-time speech recognition and conversational AI software solutions that advance the user experience.
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We develop AI solutions that interpret visual data. These range from biometric authentication to CCTV monitoring, real-time video analysis, and human pose estimation systems.
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We build generative AI solutions for automation, data analytics, and creativity. Whether you need Gen AI to write code, handle customer requests, or create better copy, our AI developers can help!
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We design software components for robotic solutions that accelerate operations and increase efficiency on the factory floor and beyond.

Artificial Intelligence solutions we develop

As an artificial intelligence software development company, we are confident in AI's limitless potential to transform your business. Investigate a range of AI use cases that demonstrate our capabilities. From improving operations to increasing profits, our customized AI development services ensure tangible growth and unparalleled success.

AI solutions to analyze and understand the physical world

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Manual task automation
Optical character recognition and data capture solutions for extracting information from any documents to eliminate manual processes
Facial recognition
Person identification based on live captures and digital images for biometric authentication, access control, and other security purposes
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Image data labeling
Deep learning models that automatically identify and tag people and objects in pictures and videos
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Human activity recognition
Intelligent models for human posture recognition used in sports training, surveillance, healthcare, and more
Object detection
Advanced algorithms for object detection and identification in images and videos in retail analytics, autonomous vehicles, and smart surveillance systems
Pattern recognition
Sophisticated AI systems that recognize patterns in data, supporting predictive analytics, anomaly detection, and personalized recommendations

AI solutions to grasp human language and emotions

Speech recognition
Real-time speech processing and voice interfaces to automate routine tasks and take user experience to the next level
Semantic search
Advanced, NLP-powered algorithms to find search results that best match a user's intent
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Text classification
NLP-powered categorization of emails, posts, and other textual information for sentiment analysis, topic labeling, and spam detection
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Emotion recognition
Analyzing images and videos to detect and recognize emotions and better understand your customers’ response to your products and services

AI development services for your industry

We tailor artificial intelligence solutions to your specific requirements by drawing on our knowledge of industry-specific business processes and challenges. Whether you want to automate back-office operations, boost customer experience, improve security, or launch a truly innovative software product, our AI developers are up for the challenge.

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Healthcare & biotech
Improve diagnostics and care delivery, enhance patient-doctor communication, and optimize hospital operations and population health management with AI-powered healthcare solutions
Life sciences
Facilitate the development of new drugs, tap into drug repurposing, find better drug candidates, targets, and biomarkers, and improve clinical trials with our powerful yet intuitive AI solutions
Finance & banking
Automate banking and financial processes, reduce operational costs, enhance security, and enjoy other benefits of AI in banking and finance
Retail & eCommerce
Make faster decisions, enjoy accurate demand forecasting, streamline inventory management, optimize the flow of goods, and better understand your customers with AI for retail
Supply Chain & logistics
Gain total control over shipments, reduce paperwork, and simplify vendor communication, deliveries, and warehousing operations with AI-enhanced software
Education & eLearning
Personalize learning programs, produce effective content, automate administrative tasks, and provide access to education for students with special needs with AI in education

Our approach to AI software development

We provide end-to-end artificial intelligence software and app development services, from preparing data for AI algorithms to rolling out your system to thousands of users. Our AI developers can also help you customize third-party AI-as-a-service (AIaaS) solutions.



Proof of concept


We take a deep dive into your data, challenges, and IT capabilities to spot new business opportunities, nail down use cases, and map the AI development journey

The key pillars of our AI development services

Data quality Explainability Predictable ROI Security We carry out thorough data validation and cleansing to make sure insights are derived from high-quality data We employ white-box AI models, so users understand the decision-making process behind AI algorithms We begin our artificial intelligence development projects with a proof of concept, which allows you to assess the value of AI without making large upfront investments We put the necessary security procedures in place to guarantee your data and infrastructure won’t ever be compromised

AI development tech stack

Why collaborate with our AI development company?

Vendor-agnostic. We aren’t tied to any providers or tools, meaning we only recommend AI development solutions and technologies that we believe are right for you.
Top AI developers With our 230+ strong team, we can bring in senior analysts, AI consultants, elite developers, and R&D specialists when needed.
Diverse expertise. Our AI development company has completed over 600 projects in various industries, including FinTech, healthcare, and life sciences.
Proven track record. We’ve successfully completed 600+ projects and served 200+ clients across the globe. Check out our portfolio or get in touch with the ITRex business development team for relevant case studies and customer feedback.


1. What makes our company stand out in the field of artificial intelligence development services?
With over a decade of experience in artificial intelligence software development, we have established ourselves as industry pioneers. Our AI developers combine deep technical knowledge with a broad understanding of various sectors. This fusion allows us to craft tailor-made AI solutions that align with your unique business needs, driving remarkable outcomes.
2. How can our AI development services benefit your business specifically?
We don’t preach AI for the sake of innovation. Instead, our AI solutions are crafted to deliver tangible value. Through in-depth analysis and understanding of your business processes, we identify areas where AI can streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and fuel growth. From automating routine tasks to extracting insights from complex, heterogeneous data, our solutions are designed to yield measurable results.
3. How do we ensure data security and privacy in AI implementations?
Data security is paramount to our approach to delivering artificial intelligence development services. ITRex adheres to rigorous industry standards and best practices to safeguard your data at every stage of the AI journey. Our expertise includes implementing robust encryption, access controls, and compliance measures to ensure your sensitive information remains protected.
4. How do we ensure that the AI solutions we develop interface with your existing systems?
Our team specializes in integrative solutions, ensuring that AI works seamlessly with your existing systems. We conduct thorough assessments of your infrastructure, customizing AI solutions to align with your technology stack. Our goal is to enhance your capabilities without disrupting mission-critical processes.
5. How do we provide AI development services?
Our AI development process involves several stages. These span requirements analysis, data collection and preparation, model development and training, rigorous testing, deployment, and continuous monitoring. At each step, our experts communicate and collaborate with your team to ensure alignment and satisfaction.
6. What happens after the AI solution goes live?
Our partnership doesn't end with implementation. As a part of our AI development services, we provide ongoing support and maintenance to validate that your AI solutions operate smoothly. Regular updates, performance optimization, and adaptability to changing needs are integral aspects of our commitment to your success.
7. How do we stay on top of the latest AI development trends?
Our dedication to innovation drives us to stay at the forefront of AI advancements. ITRex prioritizes continuous learning, which empowers our employees to apply breakthrough AI technologies to our clients’ projects.
8. How do you get started with developing AI solutions for your business?
Initiating the journey is simple. Reach out to our team, and we'll begin with a comprehensive consultation to understand your goals and challenges. From there, we'll collaborate to devise a custom AI strategy that aligns with your objectives, ensuring that your business evolves with the transformative power of AI.
ITRex’s team are experts in their trade. The software development they provided was critical to advancing the project to the next level.
Jeff Block
Jeff Block
VP of Process and Technology
PotentiaMetrics, Inc.
When you hire them, you're actually going to get something valuable.
Daniel Schuler
Daniel Schuler
ITRex is an outstanding partner. They don't even feel like a contractor, but more like a fully integrated team.
Ashley Lewis
Ashley Lewis
Director of Product Management
Dollar Shave Club

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