Global media & entertainment company
Entertainment, Media
Product Development, Data Management, DevOps, QA
Node.js, Docker, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, Chai, Cucumber, React, Redux, AWS


The client was looking for a team of experienced developers that would extend the skillset of their development team. ITRex was responsible for the development and integration of an API used by digital media players, including Roku, Apple TV, Fire TV, Chromecast, АirTV, Android TV for streaming all types of video content: Series, Films, Animated movies, Sports Events, etc.

Specifically, our responsibility was to:
Create and implement new API features, fix bugs and integrate the API with third-party services
Streamline the existing functionality and implement new features for the back-office used by video content managers for managing video content, including creating screenshots, adding episode descriptions, uploading trailers, inserting ads in movies and TV series, etc.
Migrate to a distributed, containerized microservice architecture for greater flexibility and scalability
Perform functional and unit testing


A single multifunctional video content management API for all video streaming platforms and operating systems (iOS, Android, and web)
Bug fixing scripts for fast and efficient debugging across all the platforms and databases
Elasticsearch optimization for better search performance
Customization of the API to meet unique requirements of each platform
Microservices deployed with Docker containers to allow for higher availability and scalability, simplified microservices management, rapid and flexible deployment and updates, and greater overall resiliency
Automated test coverage checks for each Pull Request
An automated CI/CD pipeline to achieve zero downtime and reduce the deployment time
Video Content Management API
21st Century Fox solution from ITRex


30+ new features implemented
80% unit test code coverage
A 2-week release cycle instead of 10 weeks previously
5x reduction in content management costs.

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