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A large player in the financial sector, with operations in over 50 countries, owns a tax refund solution that enables buyers to get a refund on taxes they paid on purchased items. This is how it works: 1. People buy items from partner shops located in different countries 2. The buyers fill in a refund request form, either through a mobile app, the company’s website, or a dedicated terminal, depending on the tax regulations of the store’s country. 3. The app processes the form and generates the documents that buyers can submit to the customs office This tax refund solution should integrate seamlessly with all the devices used in partner stores, such as terminals, barcode and QR code scanners, etc. It should also support a wide range of stores at different geographical locations while complying with country-specific regulations. The company reached out to ITRex to migrate this solution to a newer platform, complement it with new features, and perform a comprehensive quality assurance auditing of the entire system. We composed a dedicated team of a front-end developer and a QA engineer who would work with the client full time following their business flow and assist in financial software development and testing.