An online dating and matchmaking company
Digital media
Staff augmentation, software development
Java 8-17, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, Spring Boot, Solr, Kubernetes, Android, Jetpack Compose, MongoDB, Redis cache


The client is a prominent figure in the online dating and matchmaking realms. The company has a dating web portal, native iOS and Android apps, and a number of back-office tools for customer engagement, marketing, and analytics. All these are built on the client’s in-house, custom-made framework, which is rather outdated, technologically demanding, and not cost- and resource-efficient. The company was looking for an established software vendor who could understand their custom architecture and migrate the backend from their on-premises data center into a modern cloud-native tech stack. They also wanted to modernize the app and enhance it with new features (some of which are rather innovative). Additionally, the client was looking to promote gender diversity and inclusivity by presenting users with a third gender option in addition to the conventional male and female choices. Opening this third option would mean refurbishing the entire platform and changing some of the underlying logic.

Our team had the following responsibilities:
Migrating the backend from the custom framework to a modern cloud-native tech stack with Kubernetes Spring Boot 3.2 architecture
Redesigning the Android app for a more modern architecture and an appealing look and feel
Ensuring compliance with the Digital Services Act (DSA), which was approved by the European Parliament on July 5, 2022. DSA aims to tackle any illegal, discriminatory, and otherwise upsetting content. To become compliant, the client needed to allow the app users to report suspicious content.
Enabling a third gender option for people who don’t identify as either male or female and changing the entire platform’s logic for better inclusivity


In the context of dating portal development, we made the following changes:
Implemented essential modifications to ensure platform compliance with DSA standards. This encompassed the integration of a robust content moderation system, establishment of a DSA-compliant reporting mechanism enabling users to specify violation types and relevant parameters, and automated PDF generation and submission to the customer support services for a manual review.
Revamped the application using contemporary design approaches and cutting-edge technologies, including Jetpack Compose for a sleek graphical user interface and the Clean Architecture pattern for separation of concerns. These enhancements made the app more user-friendly and easier to maintain and update in the future.
Our team added the following features to the Android app: ● Introduced a third gender option, labeled “diverse,” enabling individuals to specify their self-identified gender. Subsequently, our team undertook comprehensive platform revisions to accommodate this update. This included overhauling the registration form, refining platform settings, search criteria, and matching algorithms to integrate the new gender option. We also migrated some data fields to align with the inclusion of this third gender category. ● Implemented unit tests to automatically verify every new feature added to the app ● Introduced the functionality to distinguish between user photos captured in real time using the device's camera and those selected from the phone's gallery. Users who upload real-time photos are automatically awarded a verification badge. ● Enhanced some of the app’s features and moved them to the premium package. This resulted in more users choosing the premium subscription. Features such as profile filtering based on smoking preferences and the ability to view individuals who have expressed interest (i.e., “liked” you) have been particularly influential. ● Implemented a brand new feature enabling users to “like” parts of people’s profiles, such as their interests ● Adjusted the configuration of the mutual matching algorithm so that it considers the activities of other users instead of focusing solely on the searching user and their settings ● Adapted the app to accommodate individuals with specific accessibility needs. To assist users with visual impairments, our team introduced an Accessibility Service feature. This feature gives an audial description of design elements and fields as users point at them. Furthermore, it intelligently groups related elements like profile information together, enabling users to receive comprehensive audial feedback without the need to point at each individual field. ● Explored the feasibility of Spotify integration. The client tasked our team to experiment with integrating Spotify into the dating app to allow users to attach different songs/music to their profiles without having to log in to Spotify, and any profile visitor could preview these music segments without logging in as well. This was a challenge. Even though Spotify offered a software development kit (SDK) to integrate with mobile apps, it was only accessible after authorization. But our team discovered a workaround and investigated accessing Spotify's API using the backend server as an intermediate layer to establish the connection.
Our team is currently engaged in the ongoing migration and modernization of the client's platform. This is a lengthy and challenging process, as the custom framework is rather old and poorly documented. We are still working on changing the entire integration layer from the obsolete Java’s remote procedure call (RPC)-based protocol to REST-based integration. Some parts have already been successfully migrated. One example is user profile service, which includes information like age, height, education, etc. Another example is a photo service, which enables users to upload profile pictures.
dating portal development
dating portal development


Cutting costs on data centers, CPU resources, and memory usage as a result of the migration
Due to the cloud migration and our DSA-related efforts, the dating platform is more secure and compliant with the current regulations
Through our involvement, the client gained access to previously untapped market segments, including diverse gender identities and visually impaired users
By modernizing select app features and moving them to the premium version, we've enticed more customers to opt for a paid membership. Our ongoing collaboration with the client focuses on further enhancing their online dating platform.
The modern cloud-native technology renders the platform more appealing to engineers and developers, making the client a more attractive employer

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