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Organ-on-a-chip Research Platform Optimization for Biotech Company

Numa Biosciences, a recognized player in the organ-on-a-chip tech field
Healthcare and biotech pharma
Software development, legacy modernization, UX/UI
React, JavaScript, Redux, Tailwind CSS, Material UI, AWS, Docker, Python, Scrum, Kanban, Django, Typescript, Stripe


Numa Biosciences operates in the emerging organ-on-a-chip technology field and has accumulated an abundance of clinical studies describing experiments with human cells and how they react to different compounds. But these studies don't have a standardized format. Some of them aren’t even digitized. So, the client wanted to build a structured database that would encompass all these organ-on-chip studies in a unified digital format, enabling users to search, add, analyze, and compare studies, datasets, and experimental designs, and perform analyses, including reproducibility and power analysis. This platform would be accessible for a subscription fee and cater to both academic researchers and pharma innovators. Initially, Numa Biosciences adopted a platform built by a US-based university. And even though this system worked for the academic world, it was ill-suited for commercial purposes. Its outdated appearance and cumbersome navigation frustrated users. The system was so tedious that the university kept a dedicated person responsible for training newcomers. The university’s platform had two parts: a software-as-a-service cloud-based solution that was accessible online to the public and a desktop solution installed on a local server for internal usage. The client was searching for a competent software vendor who could overhaul the cloud platform, rebuild the front end from scratch, and work in tandem with the client’s back-end team to deliver a commercially viable, user-friendly version.

The client asked our team to do the following:
Conduct a discovery phase to prepare the organ-on-a-chip research platform for a commercial launch within a very tight deadline of less than three months
During the discovery phase, select the features and modules that have to be rebuilt for the initial platform version
Rebuild the selected platform modules’ front end from the ground up using React.js. The client decided to address the remaining functionality during future iterations.
Fully redesign the platform for an intuitive user interface and align it with modern technology standards
Enable the payment functionality to allow the client to monetize the platform


We worked on the software-as-a-service cloud-based solution. Here is what we did:
Our team completed an intensive three-week discovery phase. Given the pressing deadline, we couldn’t revamp the entire platform and had to set priorities. During the discovery phase, we strategically identified the core features and modules that had to be rebuilt before the commercial launch. One business analyst and one designer from our side introduced a design-first approach and drew Figma screens illustrating the selected features to show the client how each redesigned module will look. After the discovery phase, we had a better understanding of the project and recalibrated the budget in line with the emerging priorities.
Our approach was to rebuild the modules identified in the discovery phase using React, while the rest would remain on Django, forming a hybrid solution. We also reskinned the Django modules to ensure a consistent look and feel throughout the system.
We transitioned the organ-on-a-chip research platform to a new monetization strategy. Our team integrated Stripe for a seamless payment system, enabling the client to collect monthly and annual subscription fees. We also revised the privacy policy, terms and conditions, and cookie policy to align with the new business model and ensure regulatory compliance.
Our team redesigned the platform’s homepage and login/signup pages in a way that ensures smooth navigation. According to the client’s stats, the original homepage had high bounce rates. It was so complex and counterintuitive that most users left quickly and never came back.
We revamped the search functionality and introduced convenient filters. Now users can switch between searching for studies and study components, with options to refine the search based on study type, organ models, compounds, cells, and more. It’s also possible to focus the search on studies containing videos, images, or omics data. Moreover, we remodeled the search results page so that users can easily access and compare the displayed studies.
The ITRex team performed manual quality assurance testing of the React application across both Windows and MacOS platforms. And in response to the client’s request, we also tested the old Django solution for critical bugs.
Numa Biosciences was deeply impressed with our team’s competence and motivation. Here is an excerpt of the client’s testimonial. “Your professionalism, meticulous attention to detail, and unwavering commitment have set a benchmark for excellence. Your technical prowess and innovative problem-solving skills have been nothing short of extraordinary, paving the way for seamless project execution. The exemplary teamwork and people skills displayed throughout the project truly set this team apart. It’s not just about the code you wrote or the systems you implemented; it’s about the way you supported each other, creating an environment where success was inevitable. Your collective efforts have not only met but surpassed all expectations.”
organ on a chip research
organ-on-a-chip research platform


With our assistance, Numa Biosciences revamped the hard-to-navigate university platform into a modern, easy-to-use EveAnalytics
Our collaboration allowed the client to monetize the platform and generate revenue through subscription fees
The new design and navigation system made the platform more attractive to researchers and increased the user base
The search module overhaul improved the accuracy and speed of search functionality, enhancing user experience
The client plans to use the improvements made by our team to negotiate with investors in the subsequent funding rounds and expressed interest in continuing our collaboration when the funding is available

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